Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Eats, Shoots & Leaves

Why Punctuation Matters

Currently I'm reading Lynne Truss's Eats, Shoots & Leaves, a book-length rant about shoddy punctuation practices both in the US and UK. I, too, am a reluctant stickler. I have muted my stickler voice over the years simply because no one likes to be corrected, no one likes a know-it-all, and not many people truly understand what the hell you are talking about anyway! Here is an example of a flyer I found wedged in between the door frame and screen door of my front house. It appears as though it was typed on a computer. Yeah for him!! But unfortunately the poor chap failed to recognize those little wavy red lines and green lines clearly shouting out to the typist using MS Word that there is something amiss!


(Okay so far.)


(Catchy--that's why I called to get more info.)


(This is when my eyes started to cross.)

Mr. Winter is here and your saying to yourself man I

(Yes, this is a saying I often say.)
(I don't call myself, man, since I'm a woman.)

don't want to shovel that snow today.

What do I do?

I got it,I got it. I'll call Chris. He's right around the coner

(Ahh the comma-period! A newly invented form of punctuation!)
(Is it that an orange coner; the pylon thingy?)

and up the street. Highly afford in these hard times. So I

(Forded a stream? River? Affordable?)

say stay warm and let me work for you. One rate and

the price will never change.

For more info Call

(Capitals always make something look more important.)

xxx-xxx-xxxx ask for Chris

Quality work for a low price___

(Technically the writer has not taken a breath here . . .
he could be turning blue or dead as we speak.)

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