Monday, May 26, 2008

'Tis the Season . . . to Interview

Interviewing is by far the most unnerving yet critical aspects to clinching a job today and oh how I LOVE a good interview, but hate the wait time. I always wonder if interviewers remember those days of searching for a job . . . waiting for a phone call . . . a response . . . an answer. It's painful. I consider myself patient, but I'm not especially settled when I know that my future is hanging by a thread. I go into interviews prepared and ready to answer queries and potential land mines. But it never seems to be enough!

Last week the assistant superintendent at a school district called me to set up an interview. Said he wanted to check my qualifications and make sure that I knew the aspects of the job. Turns out the newspaper didn't indicate that it was a one year position. No matter to me . . . I'll take it. It's a risk, but chances are, if you perform well, the school will hire you in another capacity or for that job . . . you just never know. So . . . he said that he was going to talk to the principals and then set up a time for an interview for next week (that would be this week). He wanted to see how they could include me in the program even though it was through the special education department and they were going to see "how to make that work." Hmm. Then he asked if I was teaching in a district and I said "No, I'm teaching, but not in a district." He said. "OH!" and I thought "oh no . . . oh no . . .does this matter??" He then said, "But you have a secondary certificate in English, correct?" I said "YES!" (not that loudly) Well, I didn't hear from him the rest of Friday, so I called. The secretary told me that he had been in meetings all day and that he was in a meeting right then. I started panicking. I thought I'm done I'm done. . . he's not interested . . . he's confused me with someone else and made a mistake calling me. So I fast forwarded the time to after work. I thought maybe he called me at home and left a "regret" message. That would be the safe way. Or maybe he didn't call at all. That would be preferable because then that meant he was really busy. OH GOD! The knots one can bind oneself up in--it's insane. CRAZY. So I've been waiting all weekend wondering if he would call me at home (didn't) and then wondered when he had a time in mind next week because we all have a shortened week (panic).

Perhaps I need to cool it and find something else to do with my time . . . Maybe I'll make jewelry.

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