Sunday, December 23, 2007

Tis' the Season to Be Greedy

Two concepts totally floor me (except in certain situations), but seem to be de rigueur in this millennium. Regifting and returning gifts. Call me old fashioned . . . whatever . . . but I cannot think of anything as tacky as handing someone else a gift intended for you. Okay, so you want to save a few bucks and know this person perhaps--may--like the gift. Sorry, still tacky. The best part is that I can always tell when someone regifts. The item has a certain lackluster look to it--like it's been tossed around the house a while. Then there is the silent pause that ensues after the gift has been given. The giver knows darn well that there is a 50% chance that you may know it's a regift and holds his or her breath, hoping you didn't notice the scuff mark on the plastic casing. The giver also holds his or her breath knowing that you didn't really state that you wanted this gift or show an interest in it, but that it is VERY much liked by the giver or one of the giver's family members. It was an apparent "over gift"--meaning, an object already owned by the giver. Oy vey . . . dost thou think we are stupid?

To me the act of giving simply means that you give an item or perform an activity to show appreciation, thoughtfulness, love, or good cheer. Giving for the sake of making yourself look good is crass and obvious. I can't say that this has happened to me a lot, but I know when it does and it makes me feel . . . like party leftovers.

I can very proudly say I have never regifted--nor would I think of it. I have outright told someone, hey I have something that I can't use, doesn't fit, I already have the same pair--would you like it? Here take it . . .

Now that's a whole different story.

I'm also amazed with the "Return Item Givee's" I have heard of certain family members moaning about gifts that they didn't like and were going to return. hunh? I thought the return line was for things that didn't work or sizes that didn't fit. Not to return an item because it didn't suit you. What the hell is wrong with people? A gift is a gift--suck it up and accept it. It was meant to show appreciation, good cheer, love, or thoughtfulness--so shut up, if you don't like it. Instead of whining and complaining how no one understands you, think about WHY the person gave you the gift. And this includes "regifting". So while I don't like regifts and want to say to people--listen, give me anything--it doesn't matter--it's the thought that counts, I also have to remind myself that the regift probably had some good intention behind it--even if it is tacky.

That old adage--it's the thought the counts--still applies today. It's not an old-fashioned concept. In our narcissistic and materialistic society, people have come to believe that they are "owed" something and that they "deserve" better. That just sounds like Grinch-lingo. Think like a Who and get over yourself!

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