Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Work . . .

Why do we work so hard in the US? In most European countries, people have around six weeks of vacation time, but, here, we feel guilty if we take one. I feel guilty if I take a vacation day or a personal day because I know that it stresses everyone out who has to cover for me.

Shortly before the day(s) off, I make sure everything is perfectly organized, lesson plans are impeccably designed, and I actually clean off my desk. Then I try to avoid the "coverees" because it’s agonizing to see their forced smiles and pained looks as they say, "Everything will be okay. I’m fine. Really." HA. I don’t believe them!

I always get a nagging feeling when I return back to my classroom that the previous day was sheer pandemonium. It’s as though a big cloud of bad karma is still hovering in the air. After my guilt-ridden day off, I see the "coverees" in the halls looking slightly rumpled and exhausted, nodding their heads saying, "I don’t know how you do it." Neither do I. I need a vacation.

Thank goodness for understanding, but slightly tortured coworkers.

This is my dream vacation . . .


Anonymous said...

I would have to say that with all the confusion in this day and age you should take a few days off. Everyone gives people crap and a few days off is needed, Everything may seem like it is falling apart but dont worry it will be alright. Onfriday we had a good day and things went smoothly and we had fun but not as much as we would have if you were here :o( so you were in fact missed. _Nicole

Anonymous said...

I think that you need a few days off cause you are forever dealing with peoples garbage. All the drama builds and builds until you cant take it anymore. We didn't have you on friday it was fun but not as fun as it would be if you were here :o( but we delt with it. I hope you had a fun day off -Nicole

Anonymous said...

I always disturb the universe cause everyone needs to be shaken up sometimes

Anonymous said...

I think we all need a small vacation during the year, so never feel guilty about taking time away from work. You'll feel better when you return.

Anonymous said...

I believe people get hassled unnecessarily when they want to take their vacations. You earned your vacation time and should be able to take your days when you please. If they didn't show up for work you'd have to possibly cover their classes at some point.
Don't feel guilty, it is their job